This guest post was written by Dr. Brandi Ormerod, Associate Professor at the University of Florida, Department of Biomedical Engineering.
Dr. Ormerod's research program focuses on understanding how to use transplantable or endogenous neural stem cells to repair neural circuits in the diseased or injured brain, and how changes in levels of hippocampal neurogenesis across lifespan impact cognition. She originally posted a version of this article on Quora and gave us permission to share this version here.
Congratulations on wanting to obtain a research opportunity. Some undergraduate (and Master’s) students do very productive research in laboratories that can occasionally even lead to authorship on a paper (the ultimate goal of all academic research - this kind of research takes a very serious time commitment).
Before approaching potential research mentors, it's important to be realistic about how much time you can spend doing research every week. If you can only spend a few hours each week in the laboratory, then you would be seeking a very different lab experience than if you could spend, for example, an afternoon each day through the week (on average) working on a project.
My answer was prepared for undergraduate and master’s students seeking ‘research opportunities’ rather than students seeking PhD positions (I would expect a rather high-level email about research experience and interests from potential PhD students).
Examples of emails that I do not respond to (and receive relatively frequently):
Emails that I do often respond to (if I have an available research opportunity) include information about your training and interests that fit with the kind of research that I do in my laboratory.You can get a feel for the kind of work that I do in my laboratory by reading some of my published work. You can usually find a professor’s published work on his or her website or through pubmed (or other discipline-specific databases) that can be accessed for free.
I don’t expect someone seeking a research opportunity to be able to discuss the topic area in detail with me, but I do expect the person to know whether they like and could perform the research methods we use in the laboratory (for example, we simply do not do any computer programming in my laboratory, so you would need to go elsewhere if that is what you want to do). You could also easily get this kind of information by attending a talk that I (or one of my students gives) or just by meeting with someone that works in my lab and chatting.
A good email will also tell me a little bit about the amount of time you can commit to research (I need to know if the investment that my people and I give you in training will be returned in the data you promise to generate), what your grades are (to get a realistic picture of how much time you can really spend in the laboratory) and what your goals after graduation are.
For tips on making a good first impression when emailing a professor, read Establish Your Professionalism in Three Seconds, and for a comprehensive guide on how to impress a potential mentor (including email templates for contacting a professor about a research position) check out Getting In The Insider’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Undergraduate Research Experience